250-938-5851 ~ https://www.quantum-biofeedback.com/ozone-therapy

Ozone and Sauna Therapy Benefits List:
The main reason the ozone help on so many levels is that it is anti-bacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and one of the best anti-inflammatory.
Ozone therapy/Oxygen therapy starts with oxygen which is 2 atoms, passed through an ozone machine to produce ozone which is 3 atoms, a smaller molecule than oxygen, easier for your body to absorb. The lifetime of the ozone molecule is about 20-30 min. and then reverts back to an oxygen molecule, in turn, oxygenating the body. It is well known that disease cannot grow in a well-oxygenated body.
Pain management
Skin disorders, eczema, psoriasis
Dramatically increase oxygenation of the tissues and cells
Stimulate the Immune System
Increase the White Blood Cell count
Increase circulation, oxygen and nutrient delivery within the body
Increase the distensibility of the Red Blood Cell so that it can squeeze through your tiny blood vessels into tissues
Boost cellular mediated immunity (part of the immune system)
Increase 2,3-DPG: Responsible for the blood’s ability to release oxygen in your tissues
Purge the body of accumulated toxins such as pesticides, PCBs, drug residues, and acidic wastes
Produce Interleukin II, Gamma interferon (anti-cancer substances)